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We've moved on, to something better
We've moved on, to something better
Pink Floyd - Eclipse Guitar Chords, Lyrics, Tabs & Meanings ~ Song Guitar Chords, Song Lyrics, Song Tabs & Song meanings

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pink Floyd - Eclipse Guitar Chords, Lyrics, Tabs & Meanings

Adding one more Pink Floyd song to the list, this one's Eclipse for you all... Its a beautiful song, I would request all to please read the lyrics once, before reading the meaning here, It will make things easier to read and understand...

Another song to add to the album "Dark side of moon" list.... Theres a deep thought behind this song here, all the songs in this album are deep infact...

The song here could mean that, I can see that, I always thought it meant that with all the things that you can do...everything you have ever thought of or accomplished...everything...can change that quickly when the "sun is eclisped by the moon." Not litterally, of course, but just one little tiny insignificant thing can change everything about your life.

I always think how the last line of the song "the sun is eclipsed by the moon" is really creative and deep, because it ties in with the name of the album in the sense that when the sun is eclipsed by the moon we see "the dark side of the moon"... or maybe its just me.

Alright, pls comment on this post and lets take songs meaning to another level in the comments section.

Pink Floyd - Eclipse Guitar Chords, Lyrics, Tabs & Meanings

[D]All that you touch
[D/C]All that you see
[Bb]All that you taste
[A]All you feel

[D]All that you love
[D/C]All that you hate
[Bb]All you distrust
[A]All you save

[D]All that you give
[D/C]All that you deal
[Bb]All that you buy
beg, [A]borrow or steal

[D]All you create
[D/C]All you destroy
[Bb]All that you do
[A]All that you say

[D]All that you eat
[D/C]everyone you meet
[Bb]All that you slight
[A]everyone you fight

[D]All that is now
[D/C]All that is gone
[Bb]All that's to come
and [A]everything under the [D]sun is in tune
but the [D/C]sun is [Bb]eclipsed by the [D]moon.

Please leave your comments for Pink floyd Eclipse guitar chords lyrics tabs and meanings

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